Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ology - Study of

anthropology******** humans

apiology ******** bees

archaeology ******** past culture of humans

astrology ******** stars(for making predictions)

bacteriology ******** bacteria

biology ******** life

cartology ******** maps and map-making

cetology ******** whales

climatolgy ******** climate

conchology ******** shells

cosmetology ******** cosmetics cosmology ******** universe

criminology ******** crime and criminals cryptology ******** codes

ecology ******** interactions in environments

entomology ******** insects

embryology ******** embryos

eschatology ******** death,judgement, afterlife

ethnobiology ******** life pertaining to certain people

ethnology ******** cultural heritage

ethology ******** animal behavior

etiology ******** causes and reasons

etymology ******** a word

geology ******** earth

graphology ******** handwriting

herpetology ******** reptiles

hippology ******** horses

hydrology ******** water

ichthyology ******** fish

ideology ******** ideas

mammalogy ******** mammals

meteorology ******** climate and weather

microbiology ******** microscopic life

morphology ******** structure of organisms

musicology ******** music

mycology ******** fungi

myrmecology ******** ants

nephology ******** clouds

neurology ******** brain

ornithology ******** birds

ophiology ******** snakes

ophthalmology ******** eyes

otology ******** ears

paleoanthropology ******** ancient human-like creatures

paleobiology ******** ancient life

paleontology ******** ancient life, studied through fossils

paleozoology ******** ancient animals

pathology ******** disease

pedology ******** children

petrology ******** rocks

phantomology ******** supernatural beings

pharmacology ******** drugs

pharyngology ******** pharynx(part of throat)

phenology ******** periodic biological phenomena

phenomenology ******** phenomenons

philology ******** historical language

phonology ******** speech sounds

phraseology ******** use of words and phrases

physical anthropology ******** human characteristics

physiology ******** characteristics of organisms

phytology ******** plants(usually called botany)

phytosociology ******** relationships and charactistics of plants

pomology ******** fruit

psychology ******** mind and behavior

pyrology ******** fire

seismology ******** earthquakes

sociology ******** society

somatology ******** human characteristics

speleology ******** caves

storiology ******** stories and legends

topology ******** characteristics and history of a place

tropical biology ******** tropical life

vulcanology ******** volcanoes

zoology ******** animals

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